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Thursday, 26 January 2012


Throughout this subject within the degree, I feel I have developed my design skills, I have learnt how to use photoshop and coral draw which I hadnt used before.

From doing this blog I have learnt how to use coral draw and photoshop alot better and have discovered I enjoy using them. Coral draw and photoshop is good as it is alot quicker at producing multiple images and also makes the illustrations alot clearer looking. I also enjoy the sketching part of this assignment, the sketchings I produced from the Elisa Mazzone, I found rather easy to do.
Both illustrations I have chosen are completely different, Jason Brooks does most of his illustration with the use of photoshop while Elisa Mazzone uses mostly sketching pencils and paints to create a detailed illustration.

Final Illustration - combination of both Elisa Mazzone and Jason Brooks' style

(Click to enlarge image)

The following illustrations are the step by step illustrations I created in the style of both Elisa Mazzone and Jason Brooks combined. With Elisa using mostly sketching in ther illustrations and photoshop being Jason's trademark style, I have created an illustration with the use of both these techniques.

Step 1: I drew an image of an fashion figure, I use sketching pencils and shaded in just half of the illustration, which is a technique Elisa Mazzone does.

Step 2: I then scanned the image into coral draw and created shading on coral draw over my own sketching drawing.

Step 3: I added more colour to my illustration using coral draw.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

My work of Elisa Mazzone incorporated in Jason Brooks' style

(Click to enlarge image)

The following images in this post are illustrations of 3 Elisa Mazzone illustrations in which I have created my own step by step attempts at creating a similar version with the last step in the style of my other choosen illustrator Jason Brooks.

Illustration 1: The orginal illustration by Elisa Mazzone.

Step 1: I created this by sketching the face with use of lighter and darker sketching pencils and a fleshy coloured pencil for the lips.

Step 2: I then scanned my drawing onto the computer and used photoshop to create the black effect around the face which makes the face stand out more.

Step 3: I created this final illustration of the Elisa Mazzone image in the style of Jason Brooks. I used Coral Draw to create it.

Illustration 2: The orginal Elisa Mazzone illustration.

Step 1: I created this Elisa Mazzone illustration using sketching pencils and coloured pencils for the butterfly. I purposly shaded in only one side of the illustration as this is a style in which Elisa Mazzone uses.

Step 2: For this image I scanned my drawing into the computer and used photoshop to create the black background and also used photoshop to create some of the darker shaded areas.

Step 3: For this illustration I added some Coral draw to the left eye in the style of Jason Brooks illustrations.

Illustration 4: The original Elisa Mazzone illustration.

 Step 1: I drew an outline of the same Elisa Mazzone illustration.

Step 2: I used Coral Draw to create this effect similar to Jason Brooks style.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

My own work of Elisa Mazzone

(Click on image to enlarge)

I created the following 2 illustrations  using sketching pencils, shading just one part of the face, which is a recognised technique of Elisa Mazzones. I did the tears using a drop of paint and let it run down the face and used Coral Draw to fill in the black.

This shows the step by step stages to the final face which I did with the use of sketching and coloured pencils.

I did this drawing using pencils, again shading just half of the girl which is Elisa's signature style and did the butterfly using coloured pencils.

Another step by step drawing of one of Elisa's illustrations, using sketching and coloured pencils.

My own work of Jason Brooks

(Click on image to enlarge)

The following are the steps to my own interpertation of a Jason Brooks image.

The orginal Jason Brooks illustration.

Step 1: I stated by drawing the illustration in pencils this shows the step by step process of the facial features using sketching pencils and coloured pencils.

Step 2: I created this rough sketching with the use of coloured pencils, sketching pencils and black pen.

Step 3: This is my interpertation of a Jason Brooks' image, I created this using photoshop. I copied the original Jason Brooks' image by outlining the various shapes and then putting it into my own image. I filled the highlighted parts and darker parts with the use of different layers on photoshop.

I did this Jason Brooks illustration with the use of black marker and painting pink over it, I then used a black marker over the paint for one side of the illustration to create a dark shadow in parts of the face.

Another Jason Brooks image I created using black marker to distinguish one of Jason's recognised style features of bold hair and eyes. I then used darkers and lighter sketching pencils for shading.

I drew these Jason Brooks illustrations, left and below, with the use of drawing pencils just.

Elisa Mazzone's Technique

Illustrator's style & technique

Elisa Mazzone:
  • Detailed hand drawen technique combined with soft watercolours is the style of Elisa Mazzone's work with just some areas shaded in illustration's distinguishes Elisa's style and technique.
  • With art work exhibited throughout Australia, Elisa is known for creating some very beautiful characters, which communicate through their colour, shape, flowing line and embellishment.
  • Inspired by mostly moods, music, people, colors, nature, the past and dreaming about the future.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Jason Brooks' Technique

Illustrator’s style & technique
Jason Brooks:
  • Jason Brooks’ drawings and illustrations have evolved into one of the most recognised and imitated digital styles of today.
  • Smooth hair and exaggerated eyes are key features that characterise his work.
  • Jason Brooks combines various techniques during the process of producing his final image, starting with a hand drawing. This free-hand appeal is a quality that cannot be replicated and is unique to Brooks' own creative hand, ensuring that his genuine designs are instantly recognisable.
  • His glamorous and inspirational illustrations and vector artworks can be seen anywhere: in fashion magazines and advertising, on album covers, posters, billboards and packaging.