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Tuesday 22 November 2011

My own work of Jason Brooks

(Click on image to enlarge)

The following are the steps to my own interpertation of a Jason Brooks image.

The orginal Jason Brooks illustration.

Step 1: I stated by drawing the illustration in pencils this shows the step by step process of the facial features using sketching pencils and coloured pencils.

Step 2: I created this rough sketching with the use of coloured pencils, sketching pencils and black pen.

Step 3: This is my interpertation of a Jason Brooks' image, I created this using photoshop. I copied the original Jason Brooks' image by outlining the various shapes and then putting it into my own image. I filled the highlighted parts and darker parts with the use of different layers on photoshop.

I did this Jason Brooks illustration with the use of black marker and painting pink over it, I then used a black marker over the paint for one side of the illustration to create a dark shadow in parts of the face.

Another Jason Brooks image I created using black marker to distinguish one of Jason's recognised style features of bold hair and eyes. I then used darkers and lighter sketching pencils for shading.

I drew these Jason Brooks illustrations, left and below, with the use of drawing pencils just.

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